Sunday, August 14, 2011

Our Course of Study for 2011-2012

I think I've already posted most of this, but now I have it all in one place under our Course of Study tab above.  It helps me to go through it, over and over again.  Know what I mean?  Check back later as I'm trying to update all of my tabs.

1 comment:

  1. Hey!! My husband produced Body of Evidence for AiG last year. It was filmed here and is very good.....according to my husband. I can't wait to use it when we study anatomy again. All the film and production crew learned so much getting this project together. I hope you enjoy it!



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I'm an on-the-run mom to 6 kids who studied and taught exercise science in a previous life. I love all things running, nutrition, and health-related. I usually run at zero dark thirty in the morning and am often quite hungry before, during, and after my run, but I live a rich, full, blessed life with my children, family, and friends. My faith in God is my anchor, and looking to Him and His promises allows me to live fully even when life circumstances are difficult. While running gives me an appetite, my desire is to hunger and thirst for righteousness more than for physical food.