Monday, December 27, 2010

90 Day Bible Challenge- What it is and what it's not.

My friend Roan asked me some questions about the 90 day challenge so I thought I'd share the answers with all of you.

Ok, I want to try the 90 Day Bible Challenge.....I just don't know. Will you be posting a link to the actual schedule?

Here's a link to the 88 day reading schedule plus 2 grace days.

How long did it take you each day?

They say it takes approximately an hour per day of reading.  It takes me more like 40 minutes and it took my 11 yr old son closer to an hour and a half.  Of course it also depends on which book(s) you're reading that day.  Narrative is faster and books like Isaiah, Ezekial and Revelation take longer to read.

Did you take notes as you read? Read the cross references? Keep a notebook? Or did you just simply read the day's assignment?

Yes, but that's not actually recommended.  The idea is to read the Bible, not get bogged down in answering all of life's questions.  I'm just not able to read without taking any notes at all, so to streamline my note-taking process, I bought a Bible specifically for each 90 day challenge and marked them up as I read.  I might jot notes of a particular topic at the tops of the pages, underline others, and jot still other topics in the margins.  For instance, if I was looking for references to the Spirit of God I might keep track of all those notes by dog-earing each page and underlining the references.  If I was looking for references to children being a blessing I would dog-ear the page and write the v. number and phrase at the top of the page, etc.  This way it took minimal time and I could go back later when I had more time like during the weekend and analyze the notes.

Did you also do any additional Bible reading and studying?

Yes, absolutely.  The 90 day Bible challenge gives a wonderful overview of Scripture and provides context for your studies.  It also causes you to read portions of the Bible you might otherwise skip over.  It absolutely does not take the place of in-depth Bible study.  My kids and I attend Community Bible Study which is a 4 part Bible study:  read and answer questions individually, attend a small group discussion, listen to a lecture, and follow-up by reading commentary notes.  My mom and dad are the teaching directors of the local CBS groups where I live and our class has a homeschool department so the kids study the same books I study.  This year we're in 1 and 2 Kings, Chronicles, and the minor prophets.  I'm getting so much more out of the study in light of reading the whole Bible through last year twice (thanks to the 90 day challenge).  I also host a weekly women's Bible study in my home and we work through books that are mainly topical, but also require individual study for answering and discussing questions each week. 

When in your day do you plan to read the passages?

This may not be ideal, but I almost never completed my 90 day reading in one sitting.  I would usually start in the morning, read throughout the day (in my car while waiting on kids), and finish in the bathtub at night.  This way I didn't feel the sacrifice of time, I just filled in my day and made each minute count.  I believe this allowed me to continue Bible time with the kids in the morning and my other studies.

If you're up to the challenge I encourage you to sign-up at Mom's Toolbox for weekly accountability and encouragement.

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I'm an on-the-run mom to 6 kids who studied and taught exercise science in a previous life. I love all things running, nutrition, and health-related. I usually run at zero dark thirty in the morning and am often quite hungry before, during, and after my run, but I live a rich, full, blessed life with my children, family, and friends. My faith in God is my anchor, and looking to Him and His promises allows me to live fully even when life circumstances are difficult. While running gives me an appetite, my desire is to hunger and thirst for righteousness more than for physical food.