I didn't think it was possible to be homesick for a car, but take it from me, it is! I'm one of those enemies of the state on the government's most wanted list that hates the environment, loves babies, and has the extra-large SUV to prove it. Unfortunately, I had a recent run-in with a parking lot pylon and had to part with my car for a week while the front bumper was replaced. It proved to be a much more difficult parting than I had anticipated. Not that I didn't enjoy a week's worth of teeth-rattling adventures in my dad's 1984 Mercedes 380 SE, which he affectionately refers to as his Panzer Kampfwagen (German for tank). It just required making a few adjustments. For instance, squeezing my family into the car was no easy task. All 5 of my little munchkins were within arm's reach of me for the first time in, well, ever. Two of them double-buckled and rode shotgun and three more were right behind us, and I mean right behind us, in the back seat. Add to that a double stroller crammed into the trunk and it's no wonder the old Kampfwagen didn't want to go over 60 without putting up a fight. All things considered, I think the boys had a wonderful time. At one point my 3 yr old exclaimed, "Granfader's car's bumpy!"
Driving through Starbucks was probably the highlight for me. When I pulled around to pick-up my order I realized I was about 2 feet lower than usual and had quite a time manipulating the car and my body so I could take the drink and pay for it. Then as I'm being handed my change, I look around for the cup holder and can't find it. I look in the middle console, no cup holder. I look behind me on the floor, no cup holder. I look on the door (hey, why not, the window controls weren't where they were supposed to be, who can understand this German engineering?), no cup holder. I'm incredulous. I look up at the girl in the window and say, "no cup holder." She says, "No way, how'd they drive through Sonic?" Sonic was the farthest thing from my mind. I was just trying not to run into anything as I fumbled with my change in one hand, my drink in the other, all the while steering with my knee.
Needless to say, I was ecstatic when I got the call today that my car was all fixed up and ready to go. We're now cruising comfortably again in the Mother Ship, and I think we all appreciate it more than ever!
I hear ya' Sista! Our transmission went out last month in our minivan and I drove Andrew's co-pastor's 1992 Lincoln Town Car with side windows too small to see anything (my whole side was a blind spot) and that gargantuan car is longer than my mini van! It would fit all of us in there, albeit a little too close for comfort, and when my sweet beautiful minivan (I never thought I would see it quite in that light) was ready to be picked up I thought I might cry out with joy and exaltation! Three cheers for giant gas hogging, environment spoiling, lots of kid hauling super cars!!!
This made me laugh! You are so funny! I can just picture all of your kiddos crammed into that car!