Wednesday, April 6, 2011


It seems we're all in transition around here.

Monk:  From video game addict to novice computer programmer.

I bought Monk a couple of programming books last week and told him I was going to be more strict about sticking to his 1 hr video game time limit on weekdays and 2 hrs on the weekend.  (I had gotten WAY too slack.)  He moped around for a few hours Saturday then cracked open his book on Python and 6 hours later I had to drag him off the computer.  I commented that I knew programming wasn't as fun as video games, but at least it was still fun.  "Oh, it's just as fun," was his reply.  I love it!  He's been making some progress with Blender, as well.  It will be really exciting to see what he can creat once he masters the Python language.  Big D and I want to equip our children, especially our sons, with marketable skills as part of their education.  Given Monk's interests, this seems like a natural direction in which to move.

Twinkle Toes:  From sharing a room with Measle to independence.  (She's doing the happy dance, even though we have a LOT of work to do in her room.)

Measle:  From little sister (rooming with Twinkle Toes) to big sister (rooming with Queen).  As I was tucking her in the other night, Measle said, "Since I'm basically Queen's mom now, can I get her dressed in the morning?"  I told her that I'd love for her to dress her sister, but that I was still the mom (unless she's willing to take over laundry and meals- for that I'll relinquish my title : ).

I was going to buy a trundle bed since Measle says she's too scared to sleep on the top of a bunk bed,
but since I was able to scrunch the crib in at the foot of the bed, we'll save the money! 
This is the smallest bedroom in the house so I'm thrilled the girls are willing and able to share it.

Twinkle Toes and I took apart the girls' bunk beds and made them into two separate twin beds.
Here's Measle enjoying playing on her new bed in her new room.  (These yellow beds were
in my room when I was growing up.  They've seen a lot of use and are still going strong!)

What a great closet!  Measle had her things spread out in a closet and two dressers of her own before. 
Now all her things fit into this closet she shares with Queen and one dresser they share.

The girls and I gave 11 bags worth of clothes and threw away 4 bags of trash.  Now we have two
empty dressers!  I'd say we simplified, but as you can see they still have LOTS of clothes!

Prince:  With his 5th birthday looming right around the corner, Prince has started swim lessons.  He's proud and scared at the same time.  Mostly scared before and during the lesson and proud afterwards : ).

Me:  I finished the 90 day Bible challenge the end of March and have filled up my extra free time with Spring Cleaning.  I finished the 40 bag challenge last Saturday.  I worked until 12:30 in the morning Friday on the girls' rooms and until almost that late Saturday night.  I'm also reading Why 27? and doubling my efforts in memorizing Colossians.  I'll start another 90 day challenge May 1 or therebouts.   

Calvin:  My husband has continued to threaten giving Calvin a buzz, so I took him to have his hair cut Friday.  I almost cried when I saw his long wavey locks fall to the floor.  I think he's looking less like a baby now and more like a little boy.

Before his haircut, Monk said Calvin looked like one of the Beatles.  That was the final straw. 
I can't have my son looking like one of the Beatles.

Oh- too short!

Calvin took it all in stride.

Does this look like a 5 month old baby?  I think he looks more like a little boy.



  1. Oh, he is still a doll! Wait, can you call a boy that? You know what I mean...too cute for words. And he still has a lot of hair which does make him look like a little boy and not a baby.

    What are the computer programming books you bought for Monk? Orville would love them, and I agree with you about preparing our sons for working in our tech-driven society.

  2. Oh no!!! I just typed you a book and the comment disappeared,
    I'll get back to my comment again later.


  3. ok, let me try again.

    Calvin's looks precious! I cannot believe that he is 5 months old. Where has the time gone?

    Your girls' room looks great! The closets too. Isn't that a good feeling to have all of the cleaning out done? I did my boys' room and one of my girl's, but I still have two girls to go. Mostly I have to clean out and purge their clothes. Especially the youngest girl---so many hand me downs plus new stuff too.

    I am nervous about my marathon Saturday. It is supposed to me 82, and that is way, way, way hotter than any day we have run in training. I think our hottest day was 65. We did the majority of our long runs in gloves and tights.

    We are now almost through with week 23 of Core 5. Week 23! It will take us until Aug. 30 at this rate (taking off days when dh is off plus summer camps, vacations, etc. I had planned on beginning new cores Aug. 1. We'll see!

    You will LOVE Core 5.

    Have a great week!

  4. Sounds like good things are going on in your house! Calvin is so adorable, even with the long locks gone!



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I'm an on-the-run mom to 6 kids who studied and taught exercise science in a previous life. I love all things running, nutrition, and health-related. I usually run at zero dark thirty in the morning and am often quite hungry before, during, and after my run, but I live a rich, full, blessed life with my children, family, and friends. My faith in God is my anchor, and looking to Him and His promises allows me to live fully even when life circumstances are difficult. While running gives me an appetite, my desire is to hunger and thirst for righteousness more than for physical food.