Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What a life!

My girls played animal hospital today. That's it there, in case you were wondering.

Twinkle Toes is on the right and you can just see Measle's toes on the left.

I suppose this is the waiting room. You can tell Horse is not feeling well.

So this would be the overflow waiting room? Or maybe this is recovery.

I have no idea what Duck is doing here, but doesn't she look lovely?

Meanwhile somebody had more important things to do. I love his choice of reading material!


  1. What an adorable post! I love it! I think Puppy might need to visit your animal hospital...his stuffing is coming all apart.

  2. looks like something my girls would totally love to play! :) I love kids. :)

  3. LOL! Wait until you see my most recent post. (we really did "play" hospital. UGH)



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I'm an on-the-run mom to 6 kids who studied and taught exercise science in a previous life. I love all things running, nutrition, and health-related. I usually run at zero dark thirty in the morning and am often quite hungry before, during, and after my run, but I live a rich, full, blessed life with my children, family, and friends. My faith in God is my anchor, and looking to Him and His promises allows me to live fully even when life circumstances are difficult. While running gives me an appetite, my desire is to hunger and thirst for righteousness more than for physical food.